Kiba v2.0
New Features
- Added music functionality.
- The bot can now play or find songs or playlists.
- The bot uses slash commands for the music features.
New Commands
- /p - used to play a specific song or playlist from a URL or to search for a song.
- You can choose the streaming platform to search the song at from a few options.
- /pause - pauses the playback.
- /resume - resumes the playback.
- /skip - skips the current track.
- /stop - stops the playback and disconnects the bot.
- /shuffle - shuffles the queue.
- /np - sends info about the current track.
- /q - sends the entire track queue.
Buyan Buyanov v2.2.2
New Commands
- Parserker - plays the parserker guide by Alexey Golub.
- Mosh - sends Mosh.
- Bread - sends bread (now officially).
New Features
- Added harosh sounds to var harosh commands.
- Added queue length to the queue command.
- Added URI to var sbeu.
- Added Работаем (mnogo).
- Added sbeu.
- Moved the patchnotes from var patch to
Bug Fixes
- Fixed playlist playback.
- Fixed bub voice bugs.
Kiba 1.1.0
New Features
- Configs are moved to a database - the bot can now work with multiple servers (probably).
- Added automatic voice channels.
Kiba 1.0.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed cooldown and max level bugs.
Kiba 1.0.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed levelling up with multiple levels.
- Fixed a NullReferenceException.
- Optimizations.
Kiba 1.0.0
New Commands
- /level - Sends your level. Can also be used for other users through the Apps menu (right mouse button).
- /leaderboard - sends the user leaderboard.
New Features
- XP and levelling, including both message and voice XP.
Buyan Buyanov v2.2.1
New Commands
- Patch - sends the latest Buyan Buyanov patch notes.
- TarkovPatch - sends the latest Tarkov version.
- Zabralo - sends a zabralo gif.
- GetHarosh - sends all the Harosh gifs.
- GetBesplatno - sends all the Besplatno gifs.
- GetPlatno - sends all the Platno gifs.
- Pushkin - sends a yes/no answer to your question.
- Sbeu - sbeu)
Music Commands
- Play - starts playing the specified song or video.
- Pause - pauses the playback.
- Resume - resumes the playback.
- Skip - skips the current track.
- Stop - stops the playback and disconnects the bot.
- Shuffle - shuffles the queue.
- PlayGeneburn - play all the tracks by Geneburn.
- PlayPython - play Python tutorials by Mosh.
- PlayCsharp - play C# tutorials by Mosh.
- NowPlaying - sends info about the current track.
- Queue - sends the entire track queue.
New Features
- A new Help menu.
- Fixed a bug with Bub.
- Added more gifs.
- Added sbeu.